The Peak Performance Method

It all began with a question: How can we use research-based tools from psychology and therapy to help high performers consistently achieve their goals without burning out or living constantly in hustle culture?

The answer is this unique 4-pronged approach that is backed by science:




Positive Psychology


Heartmath™ is a set of unique biofeedback techniques that create heart-brain coherence to reduce stress and create alignment with heart-brain-and body. This coherence allows people to perform at higher levels.


Eye Movement Desensitation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy protocol originally used to treat trauma. This protocol has been revised and repurposed as an effective tool for alleviating performance blocks and achieving peak performance.


Brainspotting is another psychotherapy technique that has been shown to alleviate performance blocks and help people perform better. It works by bypassing the conscious mind to get to the heart of the performance problem and then mitigate it.

Positive psychology

Positive Psychology focuses on what helps people flourish and have optimal experiences. The peak performance protocol uses tools from positive psychology that help individuals achieve their best performance.